Top ten emotions coaches see every day

April newbie here, I am not able to ask any live questions tomorrow as I will be listening at work. I have been absorbing and doing homework everyday and already have had some major gains in time management. I have been able to allot time and actually calendar my full time job, my second on-call evening job and now scholars. I have a major backyard project I started and has been consuming my weekend as well. My question is, can you describe the top 10 emotions we tend to use? I have become so numb just going through life that I have a hard time describing nothing but emptiness. Last June I lost my mom unexpectedly, she was my best friend, cheerleader and sounding board. The emptiness I have now Feels completely normal but I know there is more going on in my brain that that. It’s almost like I need a saw to cut off the top and let the words out or in, depending on how I should observe it. I have made this year a priority to live my life on purpose, leading me to seek answers, discovering podcasts, and algorithms discovering me, that led me to you. You are 100% right, there is soooo much information to read, listen and absorb. I think I can handle it better if I were to see a list of common emotions to help me describe what’s going on in my head. I apologize ahead of time if this has been answered before. I am beginning to understand and use the model but I think I would embrace it more deeply if I could stop “searching” for a way to describe my emptiness on almost everything. Below are a few emotions I thought of these past few days and I know you are thinking, wow, there a literally a million emotions right? But I was hoping for about 10 that are truly the most common that come up over and over again for coaches. I trust this self coaching model completely but I can be at a loss most of the time for the words to describe what I’m actually feeling. BTW, thank you for answering my question yesterday about jealousy. I completely love the statement…Here’s an idea: I helped build a successful business and I can do it again. It makes me feel like a total badass, but can that be a feeling? lol, not sure.
some examples
F:Overwhelm – but I think this one is too vague
F:Empty – but not sure is this is a feeling