Urges and love

Feeling my urge for a cake today, I realised that my heart was pounding as if I were in love and excited at the thought of seeing my beloved. So I get that of course I want to feel that way. It’s great ! I feel alive.
But feeling love for food is not serving me because I don’t enjoy eating the food, I’m already thinking about the next piece of cake. And then I get a headache because of all the sugar, backache because this piece of cake is so heavy on my tummy, and of course I stay the same weight.
So I’d love to feel love but for myself. I’m writing down what I’m thinking of cakes that make me feel so good and applying them to me :
– I’m going to feel so good with the cake / myself !
– I love how sweet the cake is / I am !
– I’m so excited to get to eat that cake / spend time with me !
What now? Should I let both loves co-exist in the “River of Misery” until I only feel that kind of love for myself ? What do you suggest? Thanks!