How to use the model with Mom guilt!

I am not sure I am thinking of the right ways to plug in my thoughts into the model. This is what I wrote in the model worksheet:
Unintentional Thought Pattern
C: My 4-year-old son didn’t want to say goodbye to me at pre-k drop off this morning. He was hugging me and not letting me go, finally, I had to have the teacher take him. I walked away and looked back and he started crying, which is so unlike him. I kept walking out the door.
T: I am a horrible mother who walked away from their crying baby boy
F: Guilt
A: Negative thoughts
R: I allowed the feeling and didn’t avoid or buffer. The result is being ok with experiencing the feeling of guilt.

Intentional Thought Pattern:
C: Arlo was upset @ pre-k drop off
T: I love Arlo and he will be ok
F: Security
A: Neutral
R: Arlo knows consistency and that I love him.

Can you help? I don’t know if I used the model the right way or if I could approach if differently. I’m ok feeling guilty, but don’t want to keep feeling sad wondering if he is sad..
