“Week 1” exercise badassery – part II

So that is the coaching niche I had been kicking around (and have now fully adopted). I was certified as a law of attraction coach (which means, and I say this to myself lovingly and out of curiosity, I should know better). I have done nothing with it so far as I haven’t felt ready to coach and have gone thru a few ideas in my head of who I would coach before landing upon this one. I feel I can’t not coach this group (fibromyalgia sufferers not fully living who don’t yet believe or know they can have a different and better life).

Further to my “I should know better” comment above…. I’ve long loved law of attraction and resonated with it but I can totally see its limitations (and the woo woo aspect of it), in that all the exercises I did that were LOA-based never had lasting impact because not a single one was designed to really and truly get at my thinking and the results that thinking brings. So I just kept rinsing and repeating and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working for me.

I didn’t feel ready to coach before because it felt inauthentic to coach in LOA when I hadn’t been able to slay my own dragon with LOA). So I can add that whole element/experience to my toolkit! Woohoo!

From my ❤️: thank you!!! I ❤️ Brooke.