Week of no sugar – Day 3 + 4

Okay – This is the part where I tell myself ‘I don’t really need to do this’ – haha.
I’ve been questioning why I even decided to do this ‘challenge’.
And answered this in my 1-1 coaching session today and it brought up the fact that I believe I should not buffer at all – or that at least that is the goal when it comes to managing our minds.
That I see sugar as my ‘weakness’ or thing I am least good at not giving in to. It’s probably where I feel least disciplined.
I feel pretty confident and proud of myself with most other aspects of my life – I’m good at ‘doing hard things’, inc health and fitness, work, and having good relationships.
I’m going to see out the 7 days to keep the commitment, but even that wording ‘see out’ sounds like I’m dismissing it a bit.
Is this part of me developing my awareness of my thoughts – that I know where I want to put in ‘self-imposed struggles’ (my business and my fitness) and that this isn’t such a big deal – something that must be overcome, or am I missing something more significant?
Thank you.