What if I don’t know the T?

Hi I often notice a F about Cs and am not conciously aware of the T. Below is a recent model but I’m also after some generalised advice on what to do when I feel the F but can’t pin point a T as it comes up a bit for me and I know so many of our thoughts are unconcious … so how do we plug them into a model if we don’t know what they are??

C – client said she’ll stick with the 6 week program rather than upgrade to the 12 week
T – ?
F – shame
A – ruminate on what T is causing me to feel shame, question if I should stick with this model or put ‘shame’ in the C line and run a model from there, get grumpy, become defeatist – assume she won’t extend the 6 weeks after it’s finished. Beat myself for not being better at the sales conversation. Worry her Dad (who’s paying for her and knows me) will think I’m money grabby.  Don’t relax into morning routine with presence (ruminate on what it means that she said no).
R -?

If I do put shame in the C line it looks like this
C – Shame
T – she doesn’t think I’m a good enough coach
F – More shame
A – get grumpy, become defeatist – assume she won’t extend the 6 weeks after it’s finished. Beat myself for not being better at the sales conversation. Worry her Dad (who’s paying for her and knows me) will think I’m money grabby. Don’t relax into morning routine with presence (ruminate on what it means that she said no).
R -I’m not a good enough coach ( I’m not showing up as the person I want to model being as a coach.)