What is my circumstance?

I’m a coach and was doing a thought download after a client session where I thought it went really well – I was feeling great and thinking lots of positive thoughts about it.

But then I had a thought – “Should I have more of a ‘work on’ – if I’m not picking myself apart I’m not growing.” I’m plugging this into the model but I’m not sure what my circumstance is or how to tie my result to my thought / what my result is?

C – doing a thought download after a client session and feeling positive / writing down positive thoughts?
T – should I have more of a ‘work on? If I’m not picking myself apart am I not growing?
F – sceptical / uncertain
A – I question whether I should run an unintentional model on the thought above or celebrate myself for going to intentional models naturally, start overthinking and questioning the model?
R –