What to do when my time is scheduled by others

I am enjoying the work on time this month. However, it has brought up a situation where I am a little stuck. I have two school-aged children. I love them dearly. They need to be picked up from school. This process takes 3 hours of my day. Monday through Friday. I want this to take less of my time. I want to move closer to the school and yet my husband does not want to move. I want to sign them up for a bus service and my husband does not want to do this – neither do my kids. When I bring it up they just tell me, no. I feel stuck in this situation where I feel unappreciated, unvalued and taken for granted. I try to make the best of this and fill the time with something that I find useful. I try to reframe my thoughts about the situation. Truthfully, I don’t want to be using my time in this way and I don’t actually see how I have control.