What would I DO differently if …

I have been working with a coach on my limiting believe “I’m not where I want to be”. Asking my future self for help, I was offered the advice “Trust yourself that you’re doing the right things at the right time”.

In today’s coaching session, the coach suggested that working on my thoughts is good, but I also need to take action. So, here is my action plan for if I’d trust myself that “I’m doing the right things at the right time”:

– Go all in with my business coach instead of pondering whether this is the right choice.
– Focus on promoting myself in places where my audience is. Local meet-ups, co-working spaces, instagram, …
– Appreciate my side job and show up 100% when I’m there.
– Use every opportunity in my calendar to plan for business hours and follow through.
– Look into inquiries and reply right away instead of postponing and procrastinating them.

And: Don’t waste any more time and energy on thinking “I’m not where I want to be”.