What’s my result?

C – designer sent message saying doesn’t have capacity to do design work for me in time for a workshop I’m running
T – If don’t have work books, the workplace whose hiring me will think I’m unprofessional and I’ve over charged
F – anxious
A – message designer at 6.30am asking for the files and if anyone else can make changes. Spin in over thinking. Meditate on it being easy and fun to create a solution but don’t believe it fully. Worry I’ve over committed myself and not allowed enough time for preparation. Don’t be present with daughter when I’m home with her
R – ??? Not sure what it is or how it ties to thought?

Intentional model
C – same
T – I’ll get workbooks done for the workshops no matter what
F – determined
A – look for solutions, create time to prepare, get my ducks in a row / prep well to explain design work to a new designer
R – I get the workbooks done