Where are my next clients?

Hi Brooke!

I’m a fairly new coach (6 months in) and had 4 paying clients straight away, all through word of mouth, not from the interwebs šŸ˜‰
My coaching series has finished up with three of the clients, and I am still working with one. I have launched my website, been sending some marketing materials to my list, but no bites from new clients so far. I feel a bit more pressure as I’m having my first baby in November so would ideally like to start any remaining coaching series for the year in August (mine run for 3 months).
I know I have limiting thoughts like ‘I’m no good at marketing myself’ and also know from my own experience the leap it can be from reading someone’s blog or consuming their content, to actually hiring them.
My current thought is that I should do some more pro bono coaching to keep practicing pre-baby but my ego is struggling a bit with going back to free work after people paying me. I’ve done some models below but would love your thoughts on where I go next with finding clients.

C Working with one client
T Where are my next clients?
F Failure, rejection
A Offer discount on coaching, do very little marketing
R Question where my clients are

C Working with one client
T Iā€™m ready to find new clients
F Nerves, excitement
A Start marketing plan, rewrite web copy
R Feel ready for new clients
