Who determines “good enough “

I am struggling with a thought that I might not be good enough at my craft. I am a photographer and I am more expensive than many other photographers in my area. I have had a dry spell and I am trying to jump back in with both feet but finding the downtime has bred doubt in my thoughts.

I am working on a model with a thought “I might not be good enough”. I’m trying to choose the ladder thought or even a more confident thought, but I’m getting stuck on what determines good enough. I mean good enough for my pricing.

When thinking back to busier seasons, I can compile evidence that I am good enough based on peoples reactions to my photography and sales. Is that OK to build evidence from or should I be the one who determines good enough. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my own work, I can always see where something could’ve been better. Do you have any advice for me on how to change my thoughts and gain confidence, and answer this question on what determines good enough?