THANK YOU! I just got off the live call with Brooke and Kerri and now I’m see that BW was having a temper tantrum, because when I responded to his email and told him that we will meet and go over everything and I will distribute it, he calmed way down. This is so about me and how I deal with him and totally not about what he says or doesn’t say. I do (mostly) believe my thought in my intentional model but I like focusing on me 🙂 so:

C: BW said patient situation is unacceptable
T: I know how to receive and respond to feedback like a pro to keep the clinic running beautifully
F: Confident in my ability to find solutions
A: Meet with him on Monday to have him outline his exact protocol of which types of patients he wants to see, type the protocol, have him review it and sign it so I can distribute it to staff
R: I continue to be a pro and gain more confidence in myself and my ability to respond v. react to the words of others