Work related stress: models

Hello, can you please give me feedback on my models? I’ve been working on addressing work related stress I have been experiencing and have been developing these particular models over a few days.

(start with C) Unintentional model
C: A number of staff members left clinic in recent months. There are 6 of us in the clinic where there used to be 15. Empty positions for recruitment. Pandemic happened, staff took less time off than usual. 2 years of particular circumstances involving continuous decision making about health & safety & more concern about health. Increased caseload, more referrals than before pandemic, more emails from families complaining, boss and other colleagues coming often to my office with problems eg crying, my main supervisor left
T: I can’t offer the service that we should be offering. I can’t offer a safe, good quality service for adolescents and families anymore.
F: high stress
A: sometimes: overeating & eating off plan
not following my calendar properly, sometimes hours pass and I don’t work calmly & effectively
can snap at husband asking that he understands and helps
sometimes – not always – unavailable to my son, can’t focus on our discussions
resentment builds towards my boss
may gossip to colleagues
may discharge to colleagues (express anxiety & worry)
rumination about all the things I can’t do at work, the projects I can’t be effective at at present, which just are not possible as we are so understaffed at the moment
veering between idea of quitting altogether – which many have done in the public sector during pandemic – or pushing myself to doing more or just feeling guilty
not resting properly during my rest times
R: risking burnout / close to it

(intentional model, start with R)
C: A number of staff members left clinic in recent months. There are 6 of us in the clinic where there used to be 15. Empty positions for recruitment. Pandemic happened, staff took less time off than usual. 2 years of particular circumstances involving continuous decision making about health & safety & more concern about health. Increased caseload, more referrals than before pandemic, more emails from families complaining, boss and other colleagues coming often to my office with problems eg crying, my main supervisor left
T: I tell myself I’m doing what I can under these particular circumstances and I have to prioritise taking care of myself now more than ever.
F: considerate and caring towards myself
A: doing my meal plans each day and then following them a an act of self care
paying attention to my weekly meal planning time so that I make sure there are things to eat that I enjoy and nourish me and that the plan is doable / realistic
Follow my usual clear rule: no off plan eating at work (avoid all the biscuits & cakes there) apart from the planned food I bring.
Keep to my daily check ins with husband for our joined tasks and home admin
Discuss with supervisor what is going on and list some priorities about steps to take to address colleagues who cry and come to me and also how to change my hours. Thus discuss work problems within supervision structures, not outside them on the corridor.
If needed, do journaling twice a day & keep using Ask Coaches
Do some brainstorming: create a ‘deadline’ by which I can answer some questions for myself: is this situation at the clinic a ‘storm’ that can be weathered? or are these the conditions under which we will be expected to work? If the latter, will I want to work in the public sector 3 days a week? If so, what will make that possible? If not, why not? Why am I staying? Why would I go?
Take walks with friends.
Plan something nice to do each evening that I can look forward to.
Don’t check emails out of work time.
R: I become my highest priority when things at work get hard