Working On My Identity as A Rebel

Hi! I have type 2 diabetes – genetics may have played a small role in me having the disease, but my very poor eating habits exasperated it exponentially. I identify as a rebel – which, according to The Four Tendencies by Gretchin Rubin – means that “you can’t tell me what to do, and neither can I.” This fits me to a T. It has been very difficult for me to change how I eat because I am constantly rebelling against my doctor, family and even myself. I feel that I need to work on my identity in order to be able to embrace a healthier lifestyle so I came up with the following non-intentional model and then an intentional one. I am wondering if you can offer any advice or corrections.

Non-intentional Model

C: Identity is wrapped up in being a rebel
T: I am rebellious. You can’t tell me what to do and neither can I.
F: Resigned to my fate.
A: Act in alignment with my lowest nature and desires.
R: With this model, I am not reaching my goals or becoming who I want to be.

Intentional Model

C: Identity is wrapped up in being a rebel
T: Being a rebel means I can re-create myself according to my expectations.
F: Empowered
A: Listening to my intuition and aligning myself with where it leads.
R: A truer version and better version of myself.