Working towards a better relationship with myself

Is it possible to work on yourself while not working towards a tangible goal? I’m a 27 year old queer female psychiatric nurse in south side Chicago. I only graduated in May and started working in July, but I really love my job. I’m very passionate about psychiatric mental health condition advocacy. I love my cats. I love my style!

But I find that I feel comfortable in my job. I feel comfortable with my routine. I love the life that I’ve built for myself and the person I’ve worked so hard to become. The person I imagined for myself and worked towards. I have a family of friends and supporters. I have the most wonderful girlfriend. But now that I’m here, I’m left with much less free time in which I’d normally get accustomed to my thoughts enough to have motivation to create. I’m working towards going back for graduate school, but I’m kind of just enjoying where I’m at right now.

I’m much more interested in investing in having a better relationship with myself. But I’m used to pairing mind work with action. And I’m wondering: how can I grow my mind so that I can really learn to appreciate and enjoy the present moment. I’m so used to thinking, “oh well next I’m going to do this thing or go this place!” But right now, I guess I want to work on myself so that I can get to a place of security, creativity, and imagination.

I want to have a better relationship with myself. I want to have a kinder voice towards myself. I want to feel secure so that I can spend more time appreciating the present. I want to working on having fun and discipline and really mastering the life I have right now. I want to explore my relationship to myself. I want to spend more time alone with my thoughts on purpose. I know that to do this I’ll have to adopt thoughts that will get me to this place. Unquestionable self-love and appreciation and appreciation of other people and things. I want to get to that place. I want a project that gets me there.

Any ideas?

Thank you for reading and all that you do!