Some of you will think there are a lot of filters and that you won’t implement them. At first they may feel awkward but we promise as you continue to use them, your organization will be so much more efficient.

Delegation Filter

Remember, you’re either delegating a result where you’re expecting the person to create the process and execute it, you’re delegating the process to be created, or you’re delegating the process to be executed.

The filter starts by outlining what needs to get done, why it needs to get done, and when it needs to be complete. You then ask for any updates you’d like and any other notes or directions. It may seem obvious to do all this, but you will forget to assign a date and time for things to be completed. And then what happens is your brain constantly wonders, “Did they take care of that? Is that done yet?”

When you use this filter, you can let it leave your brain because you know that someone has everything they need and that they will communicate back to you. It’s now in their court and they have to follow up with you.

Issue Filter

This filter is when you recognize there’s a problem with an employee or with a process that needs to be brought to someone’s attention. In this filter you state the issue factually and specifically and then share what needs to change or improve. You then request the date you’d like the issue to be solved.

It’s tempting to just send an employee a message like “Hey, this isn’t working,” and not offer any detail. But using this filter will save you so much time and allow your brain to let go of the issue.

Update Request Filter

This is used to know more about what’s going on with an employee. Because a lot of times you’ll delegate something and you’ll feel like your communication wasn’t strong enough. This filter provides a way to learn where your employee is spending their time and what their obstacles are.

How it works is that you would ask your employee to do an Update Request and they would send you a screenshot of their work week calendar, their top five priorities with status and dates, their current obstacles, and what they think is going great.

This isn’t necessarily something to use all the time, especially with high performing employees, but if an employee is on a 30 day probation or you want updates on an important project, this filter is super helpful.

Team Manual


