already behind on 30-day goal

I’m a blogger who has been extremely slow to produce content (only 8 posts on my blog). My 30-day goal is to write 10 blog posts. I am on day 5 of working on my goal and I haven’t published a post yet.

In spite of putting in more time than I calendared for tasks, I am already behind. Things are taking longer than the time that I allotted. For example, it took me 4 hours and 20 minutes to create an opt-in freebie for a post, and that prevented me from publishing the post when I planned to.

Can you help with this model?

C: goal of 10 blog posts in 30 days
T: I can’t work faster
F: discouraged, anxious
A: consider changing goal
R: buffer, give up, change goal

C: goal of 10 blog posts in 30 days
T: I can blog every day {is this a good ladder thought?}
F: determined, capable
A: work consistently towards goal
R: achieve goal? partially achieve goal? {not sure what is realistic to put here given the evidence that I am not on track to achieve goal}

Thanks in advance for your help 🙂