Client Says Everything Is Great

A client re-signed for another 6 months and the last several sessions she doesn’t come to session with any issues. It seems that she has made a lot of progress and is finally leaning into making changes. And we really celebrated that and looked at her progress and how she now is looking at progress as a gain instead of beating herself up for her ideal comparison. I’ve done teaching in some sessions to fill in the gap But yet I don’t know where to go with her.

And the confusion I feel is showing up in my R line. I’m not feeling like I know what questions to ask her. She came for weight loss for the most part and even though initially she wasn’t losing weight she is slowly starting to or is potentially going to. She said she feels good, she feels like she’s finally doing and following her plans and figuring it out. Her new mindset has finally taking some root and she’s on her way.

Are there any resources as far as questions to explore with clients?

What do you do with clients when they say everything is great and amazing?

C – client says everything is great and amazing
T – I don’t know where to go
F – confused
A – I celebrate with her, I show her mindset from the beginning vs now. (Last session) I think i have 5 more months with her what the heck will I do if she is in such a good place every time — I feel repetitive, I don’t explore other teachings, I extinguish my options, I’m not confident in my abilities when I’m feeling confused
R – I extinguish the possibilities

I’m a health coach as well and I have taught her about her food and how it affects your body and all about nutrition and all that is involved with health. I guess I can even go deeper but I don’t know, I don’t feel like I’m bringing my best coaching

I guess this might be a great problem to have but yet I feel lost in how I can help her even more. I do realize it’s the thought that is causing my confusion and I will try to answer that with – what if I did know ? I just don’t know how to best serve her — that’s another thought