Coaching a 13 yo girl – involvement with parents

I have a new client. She’s 13 yo. Her parents hired me. We met once, and I know I can help her. She’s great & I like her a lot. I have 2 clients – the parent who’s paying me & the daughter, who I’m coaching. (I’m newly certified). I’m scheduled to coach daughter this afternoon. This morning I received an email from the step-mom titled “Topics for upcoming discussions with X” & it contains a screenshot of a list from her phone with all of the topics that she’s observed with daughter.

I’m sure that all of these topics will come out & be addressed during the length of our coaching together. But I’m unsure how to approach this with the step-mom & the daughter. I don’t want to have an agenda for our coaching calls – and frankly it seems like the step-mom could use some coaching too. 😉 Am I overthinking this? Do I just say, “thank you & I’m confident that these topics will come out in our coaching”?