Derailed by people not booking

I ran a 21-day challenge recently. The next step for the people in the challenge was to come to a graduation zoom (last night) where I teach some things and invite them into my group coaching program. The program is awesome but none of the people signed up last night. Which is fine because there are still days to sign up.

BUT today I have a consult and right now I’m feeling bummed no one signed up. I don’t want to go into this consult thinking no one signed up so this consult person probably won’t either.

Thought model
C: Consult this afternoon
T: They probably won’t pay me anything
F: Defeated
A: Think about what I’m going to say to not seem needy, swirl in thoughts of how no one pays me,
R: I devalue my value

I would like to feel confident and be genuinely in the consult to serve and help this person without the neediness somewhere in the back of my mind sabotaging the whole thing.

Plus, people DO pay me. I just get into pity party mode sometimes.