Feeling overwhelmed Model

Hi! Would love to have your feedback on these models.Thanks 🙂

Unintentional model:
C: I have a variety of projects I am currently working on (building of a new home, new baby, new business, etc.)
T: I have way too many projects and things to do.
F: overwhelmed
A: I tend to procrastinate and don’t know where to start
R: I make a little progress on each project.

Intentional model:
C: I have a variety of projects I am currently working on (building of a new home, new baby, new business, etc.)
T: I love all of these projects and they truly all matter to me.
F: more peaceful
A: I work on each of my projects a little each week
R: Slowly progressing toward my goals for these projects

For some reason, I am not convinced that my 2nd model is truly making me feel better. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this! Thanks