Figure out the how

I’ve a full time job and have an impossible goal to make 100k from my online business. I’ve not launched my business yet. Working backwards from my annual goal to my quarter goal, I need to aim for 40 clients by the end of second quarter. As per my 6 week membership, I want to offer weekly one on one 45 mins session. I need to spare 40 hours for these calls . I don’t think it’s possible for me to spare even 20 hours for these calls.

C goal 40 clients by 20th June 2020
T I foresee disappointing lot of people
F scared
A not move forward, fear losing clients as I’ve no time for them, contemplate having to quit my full time job, fear resistance from family, not take action, dread the transition from part time coaching business to full time coaching business, don’t launch business
R disappoint self

I am aware that fearing this hard work has kept me in inaction for last 6 months, but how do I snap out of it?