Fun in business

I say I want to have more fun with my business, but I don’t act like it. Having fun is unfamiliar for me and I default back to being serious, which CAN be a fun thing too, but I don’t see it since the A’s below reflect how I behave when I am serious, which really feels like doubting (disbelieving)

C: Online fitness business
T: I have to get it right
F: serious
A: heavy team conversations, deep brainstorming sessions, work and rework the same materials, overthink, spin, question everything, don’t put B- stuff out into the world
R: don’t get it right

C: online fitness business
F: fun – believing

This intentional model is hard for me to complete. The result that I’m trying to create is to believe in myself and my business no matter what and to smile my way through this process and stop taking it SO seriously because I forget the privilege that this is to be entrepreneur (this thought feels a little like gaslighting myself) and that if other people can have fun in their business then so can I. They prove it’s possible and I want to smile, laugh, and be happy too…

C: online fitness business
F: fun – believing
A: smiling, laughing, connected to my highest self, meditating, trusting

I’m still trying to figure out what having fun and believing in myself looks like or means and the results that creates

If I look at my business as a relationship. Of course, it will have its serious moments. It will have fun moments, too, and I want to explore what that looks like for ME. Having a fun business sounds good in theory, but my overthinking-non-go-with-the-flow-and-get-it-right-brain is resistant to this concept.

Business right now feels un-fun with tons of resentment. Maybe I need to clean that up first?

C: online fitness business
T: I do so much with low ROI
F: burned out
A: try to figure out how to have more fun in business
R: doing so much with low ROI

C: online fitness business
T: I’m becoming aware of all my serious thoughts and my thought that I need to have more fun
F: curious
A: send a message in scholars, reflect on my actions and show I show up versus how I could show up alternatively, think on how it is already fun,
R: aware

The R I want is: have more fun and make more money