
I made £25k in my coaching business last year. I’m super happy about that. Moving forward, it feels like I’m struggling to get to the next level and I think it has something to do with how I think about receiving money for the coaching I deliver. I have a 1:1 program and I haven’t signed new clients in a while. One thing I tried was to offer a free session to my very warm audience and then invite them to coach with me. I felt incredible delivering the free session, however when I do a paid session I feel insecure.

C: free session
T : I know I can help them
F: Powerful
A: I actively listen in sessions, I ask questions, I visualise client as successful, I dress up for session, I prep for session
R: I help a client through coaching, client sends message thanking me for my time

C: Paid Session
T: They won’t get their money’s worth
F: Insecure
A: Worry that the client hasn’t got all the results they want in desired time, imagine them not being happy with results, Worry that every message is them quitting, imaging them saying horrible things about me to peers and colleagues, I don’t ask for feedback during the coaching program (Scared to look to confirm fears) I don’t evaluate sessions, I don’t review or track their progress, I blame them for not “doing it right” I say they’re not getting it
R: I devalue my coaching ? I show up as a coach whose services isn’t valuable?
Client doesn’t feel like they got their moneys worth (I’ve had clients quit, or say “Transformation wasn’t big enough”)

My goal is to make £50k this year and I know being in my models this way isn’t serving me. Curious as to how to shift this? I want to feel like my coaching is valuable, worth paying for.