Narrowing my niche

I originally began my coaching journey as a Fitness Coach. I helped coach people around their mindset around getting started and staying motivated, accountable to their goals. I have since moved on to do more general Life Coaching, but in the process accidentally landed in Business Coaching – which I do love, but end up coaching less around mindset. I have 3 streams of coaching income in 3 different niches and I’m ready to finally start diving into a more serious online marketing strategy…. but I know I need to only pick one niche. I’m stuck because I feel like I have a decent audience and already confuse them talking about each of my 3 offers, and when I pick this fourth I want to be sure I will stick with it for over a year (as I know that’s what it requires to see any serious traction).

Unintentional Model
Thought: “I want to continue to coach my current clients, so I can’t switch gears on them.”
Feeling: Stuck.
Action: Inaction in narrowing my niche or keep trying to pitch everything to everyone.
Result: I confuse potential prospects who want to work with me but don’t understand clearly the benefit.