Poor response after a Challenge

Hey Coach

I’ve had an awesome challenge that ended on Thursday last week.
During the challenge I had an inspired idea, to create a 3 month course, following up the challenge.
I have been promoting it since the last day of the challenge, and no one has responded at all.

Is this normal?

I have 3 weeks to market this course.
I’ve been so inspired by it, and I know that it will truly help these ladies.

But I feel as if I am spiraling more in the disappointment and confusion of it all.

I’ve been sitting in these feelings and then I have moments of clarity and I share posts and newsletters.
I realise its still early days, as it starts in April, but for me not even 1 response seems weird.
And that’s why I ask… Is this normal for people not to jump in for more after they’ve had transformation?
After they’ve experienced shifts from working with me for only 3 days?

Thank you for your support in advance