Search Engine Optimization

I am a court reporter who is shifting my business from transcribing courtroom proceedings to transcribing videos and podcasts for people who want to impact the lives of millions by having their story heard and shared with the world.

If my potential clients that I’m making an offer to do not have a video or podcast, I come up with interview questions to get the best stories and inspiration from their heart, from their passion. I will interview them over the phone or on camera if they want it on camera, but my main focus is on the importance of having it transcribed for search engine optimization. I will either put it into a blog post or just upload it to their website as a link, just like how Brooke has a transcript for each of her courses.

However, I don’t know how SEO even works at all. All I know is that having more content in writing does help with SEO.

Do you have any recommendation for where I can learn more about SEO so I can serve my clients better and start making irresistible offers? If I don’t understand, believe in, and know how to clearly explain the SEO part of my offer, which is the main reason I’m doing this, then I will not be able to confidently make any offers.

Thank you so much! 🙂