110 lbs

Hi Brooke!

When you told me to aim for 110 lbs, my head spun. I have not weighed that much in my adult life. I mean, I may have been at that weight when I was 10 years old?

So I did these models:

C: 110 lbs
T: I have not weighed that in my adult life. It’s impossible to get there.
F: Defeated
A: Stay doing the same things
R: No change. Weigh about 120lbs

Intentional A
C: 110 lbs
T: I wonder how I would feel at that weight
F: Curious
A: Implement and stay committed to new protocols
R: Achieve something new

Intentional B
C: 110 lbs
T: I want to blow my mind and aim for that weight
F: Motivated
A: Create a protocol that works for me to help me get there
R: Blow my own mind and achieve this goal

Thoughts? I know that you will tell me, yes mama, now just DO IT! 🙂

If I am at 121lbs now, and I buckle up and go with your suggested protocols (no flour, no sugar, hunger scale), how long do you think it should take me to blow my own mind?