About changing thougths

Hi, I’m new to Scholars, started yesterday and I’ve been watching Brooke’s lessons on money. Doing the exercises I realized my beliefs about people who have money that come from my father, someone I love, respect and has been a role model for me. It was a very interesting experience to bring that to my awareness. This morning I started to listen to a coaching call on the private podcast and while the coach was coaching some people and was talking about changing thoughts and having thoughts that serve you, I started to wonder how can I change my thoughts that come from beliefs that are ingrained in my mind from someone I love, respect and has been a role model for me. To me, the coach was making it sound easy to change the thoughts but I don’t get it. How can one change thoughts that are rooted so long ago? If there is a lesson or podcast that explains that, please direct me to it.
Thank you!