About Page (Zoe)

Hi Brooke! Thank you for your answer to my Target Market question. I’m following the 14 steps and have installed wordpress, picked a theme, and set-up the page templates.

I’m now working on the copy for my About page. I looked at Katrina’s website and it’s really good! I’m borrowing heavily from it (really, I copied it into word and am just changing text as needed – different target markets & coaching topic, but a lot still overlaps).

– Is it OK to borrow so heavily from Katrina’s page? (I can contact her directly if that’s better).
– Do you have any other suggestions/advice? I am not done writing yet, but pasted what I have so far.

*** draft ***

What if you could stay caught up at work without logging on after you put the kids to bed?


Sound impossible? Maybe that’s because you’re already delegating as much as possible to your team, but you still feel behind. (psst… delegating isn’t the whole solution!) Maybe it’s because your days are consumed by meetings and urgent requests, leaving you barely enough time to check email, let alone get your own work done. Maybe you’re exhausted from playing dual roles of successful professional and good mom. (You know you’d do a better job at both if you could rest and recharge, but who has time for that?) Or maybe, because your friends and colleagues struggle with this too, you’ve assumed there isn’t another option.

I get it, the struggle is real!

I’m Zoe Galaitsis, FSA, MAAA. I lead a team of over 150 people and up until recently, I was in the exact same place as you are now! I started my career in a demanding consulting environment, where long hours and rush projects were the norm. After our first child was born, I switched to corporate thinking that would give me a better work/life balance. However, once I reached the Director level, I again found myself buried emails and meetings. As I returned to consulting and we had our third child, I was incredibly thankful for my healthy family and growing career. But balancing everything was getting harder. I worried that I had bitten off more than I could chew, and that I would end up failing as a leader and as a mom.

I thought being stressed and super busy was my only option.

Then I discovered life coaching through The Life Coach School. It’s different than any coaching I ever received before about time management, delegating, or “learning how to say no.” I learned that the reason these aren’t enough is because the conscious and subconscious thoughts we have about ourselves and our time are going against our work/life balance goals. And straight up, the brain wins every time! I hired a coach to help me work through the thoughts and feelings that were holding me back and it’s been life changing! Instead of always feeling behind and short on time, now I have extra. I used some of my extra time to start coaching colleagues at work. Their results have inspired me to expand my coaching outside of my “day job,” so that I can share this with more women like you.

I love coaching moms in leadership roles who are ready to “lose the busy”.

You are my people! You’re smart and high-achieving and give every piece of yourself to your team at work and your family at home. You’re a critical thinker who wants to know the why, not just the how. You’ve dedicated yourself to building this life and now it’s time to relax and enjoy it! Don’t risk looking back in the future, and wishing you had spent these years differently.
