Allowing vs. Resisting at work (an)

Hi Brooke,

I had an interesting I experience I was hoping to get input on. I just attended a work function where cake was served. This historically has been very difficult for me to resist and prior to SCS I would definitely would have had a slice. However, now that I am starting to see results and use the skills I am learning I didn’t partake. Yay! But I had some confusion about whether I was resisting or allowing the urge for the cake. I realized I didn’t really look at it and afterward, when I came up to my office I had the thought Whew! I made it through that! Which felt like something I would feel after resisting. While I was at the event, and my co-worker opted to have some, I did internally remind myself it’s not on my plan so I’m not having it, but I am not sure it was really allowing it. Perhaps I should have brought up the urge more specifically and spent more time on how it felt? I’d love your input as I get better at this. I have made real progress in the past 10 days but part of the reason is that I have limited my exposure to temptations and I don’t want to have a false sense of security or fear being around food.
Thanks SO much,