Another 25 Failures Q1 question

I’m very close to allowing myself to feel totally overwhelmed. I have been working on my list of failures for a few days now. I have only come up with 17 but many of them are failures that would take quite some time to finish.
As many others here I’m a coach but I am currently employed 40 hours a week. I want to get back into coaching by getting my online business going. I’ll give you some examples of these long goals.

– Find at least 2 blogs that my potential clients may read and ask to guest blog.
– Create a mini/into course and get a few volunteers to try it out for feedback.
– Find at least 4 magazines that my potential clients read and ask to write an article.
– Set up a basic home page (I don’t know how to do this yet so it may take a while).
– Create a webinar with checklists to generate leads.
– Find at least 2 podcasts and ask if I can be a guest.

Would it be a good idea to break them down into smaller fails? Create a mini/intro course and (when done) ask a few volunteers to try it out?
Same with the guest writing or podcasts, asking is quick, doing it if accepted not so much. I’ve been thinking that they are all within this topic so they are one action.

However, 3 months is a relatively short amount of time, what if I wasn’t failing? Not sure I could/should do all of these in the first quarter. I’d like to spread them out, but then I have even less fails to attempt. Any advice on how to break things down or alternatives? Argh!