Another Way To See It

I set out for myself a daily words quota to write my very first eBook during the months of July and August, and as my unmanaged primitive brain would have it, I am standing on July 9th with zero words to my credit.
At first I thought, I may as well give up, postpone it till after the summer, and so on. Then I was onto myself! And said no way, we are getting this done. Deadline is deadline.
So since no one is paying me to write, no one is even expecting my eBook, I could very well push the deadline nine days later but I thought, ‘No. You screwed this up and postponed discomfort, you will get this done with nine days less now.’
Only this thought feels like a punishment. Like me teaching myself a lesson in a punitive way.

Is there another way to see it (think about it) if I want to stick to the original deadline after all?