
I’ve been here since November. I have gone through the overeating program because I want to lose weight.
I eat no sugar and flour and have now tried intermittent fasting where I eat 2 meals a day from 5 pm to 10 pm. The weight has not moved in 14 days.

I write down the urges on the sheet, I imagine how well it would have been to eat for example a cake, without eating or doing something else with the urge. In addition, I try to feel my feelings. This I am not quite sure if I do. Many times I wonder if I feel anything else but neutral.
My problem is not that the weight has not moved, but that I after a while eat out of my plan and then its like my body relax. I “see” what I am doing, “talk to me” about it, I exept that I eat outside the plan, and I eat until I have a stomach ache and even more after that.

What I’m wondering, since the body is relaxed when I eat outside of the plan, it feels like a balloon that splashes, is if it can be the feelings that somehow buckling up and gets released when I eat outside the plan?
I have tried to go thru; several times; how to feel my feelings in the self coaching scholars, but are not sure if I can handle it anyway. I know that this is an exercise that I have to practice and that I have not been so long here, but still wonder if it is a technique I can use to get a better grip on what I feel?

In addition, I think that removing sugar and flour for me has become restrictions that I struggle against, since I feel this relief when I eat outside the plan. I feel very good when I stick to the plan, and its easy until the day I suddenly burst the bobble. Before that happends I am very convinced that I have defeated my binging for good, because it feels so easy and effortless to eat clean and not eating sugar and flour, and suddenly I am there again eating my brains out.

Do you have any idea what I can do to change this?
(I have seen the latest webinar with Martha and Lauren. They are very good and I loved how they explain things, but I had my binging after that.)

Thank you in advance for your answer.