Boundary or Emotional Childhood

I need help understanding if I should set a boundary or if by calling the doctor I’m acting from emotional childhood? Should I continue calling the doctor or should I start searching for another doctor?

I was recently diagnosed with a medical disorder and I am having trouble receiving the medication I was prescribed by the doctor that diagnosed me. I’ve spoken with my pharmacist and I’ve called the doctors office 4 times already. I’ve spoken with the doctor once and the other three times I spoke to the receptionist. I’m looking to call the doctors office again tomorrow and request to speak to the doctor but I have so many negative thoughts running through my mind.

If I were to call, I’d like to feel calm and think I can ask what their turn around time is. Any other suggestions ?

C: Google reviews and written words
T: She doesn’t care about the patient
F: Frustrated
A: Look for other sites with reviews about doctor
R: I don’t care about me

C: 5 phone calls
T: This is exhausting
F: Frustrated
A: Ball up on couch, looking at the time, not eating dinner, constantly looking at phone
R: I’m wearing myself out

C: I’ve called the pharmacist once. Pharmacist says the medicine prescribed doesn’t exist. I called the doctors office 4 times. I spoke with the doctor the first time I called the doctors office. The doctor said that the medicine exists, that she’ll call my pharmacist.
T: I’m going to end up with some foreign medication
F: Anxious
A: look up medications used to treat disorder, I’m not eating, I’m not relaxing, I ball up on couch
R: I’m not taking action to take care of myself.