
Brooke, I am the same author for the “Baby ambivalent” question. Coincidentally or not, but last night my boyfriend and I decided to end our relationship (he was an initiator). Right now I am in denial and can’t stop crying. I listened to your podcasts and do believe that my life is exactly the way it suppose to be, but it’s hard to apply on practice. I love him a lot and having no family in US, he became my family. With the break-up, I am flooded with various fear thoughts: ‘It took me all my life to find my first real relationship (I met him at 32)’, ‘It will take me a very long time to move on (took me over a year to forget my previous boyfriend of only 1 year) and my body clock is ticking,’ ‘if I do want a baby, my time is limited as I need to unfall from love with the current boyfriend, find a new one, build relationship, etc. This can take years….and may be too late,””I am back to square one”; “I may never find anyone again”, “all my relationships fail”)

I am trying to change my thoughts by thinking more positive: just because it took me so long to find current boyfriend, it does not mean it will take me this long to find a new one; it’s ok even if I remain single and childless for the rest of my life; I was ok before I met him(but now it’s hard to picture life without him once I tried it).

The issue in positive thoughts, I genuinely don’t believe them…DO you have any advice on how to move on after break-ups when you are in your late 30s and your clock is ticking…? Will you have any break-up podcasts?

Thank you!~