Business and job hunting

I have started business and I’m looking for a new job. I have a month to find a full time job while being a full time mom.

I feel way over my head and like I won’t be able to handle everything on my plate.

C: Looking for a new job & starting a business
T: No one is going to hire me and pay me enough
F: frustrated (maybe even deeper emotion there)
A: look at jobs don’t even apply, buffer while searching.
R: End up not getting a full time job I love.

C: Looking for a new job & starting a business
T: I have to much on my plate
F: Overwhelm
A: Buffer and scroll social media
R: Don’t work on my business nor look for a new job.

I don’t want to rush the process because I actually want to find a job I like but I do need to find a great paying job in the next month so I’m feeling a lot of pressure. How can I create massive action and do my best without being overwhelmed and anxious by the whole process. Like I said, I don’t want to rush it because I actually want to find a job I enjoy.

Lastly, I have a lot of stress around finding a new job and I have been reactive toward my son.

C: Looking for a new job + starting a new business
T: I wish my son would just give me a moment to look.
F: stressed
A: dont tend to his needs and am rude to him.
R: Don’t actually look for a job