Business Branding

Hi Brooke!

Funnels for tech adverse coaches here…I would like to start a podcast. I’ve recorded a few episodes that are just straight list building and funnels. With a name like List Building & Funnels Podcast.

That feels super boring to me though.

Yes I want to help coaches create a funnel for their business…but bigger than that, I want to help mom’s who feel torn between cherishing the time they have while their kids are little and building a business.

I was thinking this type of podcast would be great to interview mama’s who’ve built their businesses part time. I could also talk about list building, maybe 2x a month tangibles for growing your business and the other 2x are interviews. I would name this podcast, Babies & Business (I’m open to better names!).

I’m worried that Babies & Business isn’t close enough to how I specifically help my clients. I’m not coaching them, at this point, I’m doing it for them / with them.

Do I run with this as apart of the brand of my business…or am I getting distracted from list building and funnels with this?