Can’t expect others to change

Hello. I got into an argument with my husband and recognized that I was expecting him to believe different things than he does about a situation. Specifically, I had a desire for him to understand where I was coming from and openness to the possibility that there may be a different way to approach the situation we were in. It dawned on me that he may never change his mind about the situation and that he may believe what he does about my intentions and never be self-reflective.

So right now I’m sitting in sadness and feeling alone. he may always be this way and we may never see eye to eye. I don’t want to engage with him because I’m processing and feeling sad and disappointed . I also don’t think I’m helping our marriage by being detached. I don’t know what the other side looks like.

How do I move closer to accepting him for how he is and whatever he believes about me?
