Changing Impossible Goal

As I have gone through my daily work and studied myself, I am feeling a lack of motivation to complete my impossible goal as it was originally written and adopting a new goal that excites me. My original goal was one that I had in my brain for years, but had obstacles that were not only mental, but some logistic and legal aspects (concerning my current employment contract). I had avoided moving towards the goal due to these reasons, but started to embrace it this year in the Impossible Goal challenge. You see, I’m a veterinarian and I wanted to do a full website for coaching pet parents on the proper care of their dogs; however, I have a huge contract clause in my current contract that stands in direct conflict with it as long as I am currently employed. I decided to move forward anyway, but in the process of doing the action steps I lined out and moving towards my goal, I am seriously not motivated about the original content and it’s implementation bores me as I try to complete the action steps. In the meantime, I have developed the concept of being a Life Coach for veterinarians…and now I’m excited. I have started giving speeches at Toastmasters and putting myself out there and have been hugely accepted and encouraged to move forward with it. I have done Models on both…and the original goal gives me feelings of Boredom. My new goal excites me. I know I don’t need permission to change my goal, but would love your take on it. The new goal has no legal implications and I can start anytime I want. The original goal limits me in what I can produce and when I can produce it. My current thought is to redirect my Impossible Goal towards Life Coaching, while continuing to do research and study for the aspects of my original goal that I can one day implement…as well as continue to implement in my daily recommendations at work. I would love to get live coaching on this…but you and I share the same work schedule 🙂 Suggestions?