Comfort vs. Growth – considering a new job

I am considering a job offer and find myself indulging in a little bit of indecision. Thanks to the LCS, I understand there is no “right” decision — I even accept on an emotional level that either way is okay, which I’m really proud of (in the past, I understood this intellectually, but still had fear on an emotional level of making the “wrong” decision).

I also see reasons for each decision that I could like a lot, and it comes down to whether I want to prioritize comfort/stability or growth/excitement in the pursuit of my impossible goal (which is unrelated to either job, but something I’m pursuing in my free time):
1) If I chose stability (current job), I would have the bandwidth, time, money, and social support to invest in my impossible goal, however I would not be strengthening my ability to leave my comfort zone, which is ultimately a skill essential to my long-term impossible goal. There is a risk I would sit in complacency.
2) If I chose growth (new job), I would be proving to myself I can choose discomfort (building my confidence to pursue my impossible goal in the long-run); however, I would likely have less time, money, social support, and flexibility to dedicate to the impossible goal. There is a risk I would sit in distraction.

I can make a convincing argument either way. Any thoughts on how to get out of the indecision rut?

Here are models I put together to explore this as well:
C: As I consider a job offer, I find myself noticing reasons I like for choosing either option.
T: I have no differentiator I trust to decide between these options.
F: Indecisive
A: Think, ask for divine inspiration, talk to husband, re-read new job description, review emails about new job, compare financial packages (all with intention of “finding the answer” from external sources). Not set a personal deadline to make a final decision. Not assure myself I will have my back either way. Worry about deadline I set to respond to job offer and what I’ll say. Consider multiple variations of how to handle my response. Envision future self in both scenarios.
R: I don’t allow my desires to be the differentiator I trust in choosing between options.

C: As I consider a job offer, I find myself noticing reasons I like for choosing either option.
T: Either way, I will like what I decide.
F: Relaxed
A: Accept uncertain outcomes, focus on my internal outcome I’d like to achieve, not over-think, let go of need to make “perfect” decision for “most likable reasons”, stop judging myself if I want to hold on to stability, stop judging myself if I want to leave something great for something new, accept that decision might be made on a momentary whim of how I feel today and accept that’s okay (? this seems bad, but I do think it will come down to a whim in a way if I’m not basing it on set criteria).
R: I follow what I like. (?)