dealing with negativity from my husband

Hi Brooke-

I love my husband and as much as I try to just let him be, there are times when I let his negativity and depression knock me off my center. The only thing I can think of to do when I feel myself getting frustrated with him is to leave the room or the house to try to get some separation. This doesn’t feel like the way a marriage should work, although it does seem to diffuse things.

He is very self-aware and knows he spirals into negativity but seems to lack commitment to change the things he doesn’t like. He will try something new for a week but it doesn’t seem to last. I do love him and he’s a great companion sometimes, but I don’t want to be around him others. Do I just keep on doing my thing and continue to step away when I feel the frustration and negativity coming on? The whole cycle is chipping away at our relationship. Do I need to find bridge thoughts and stick with those for now?