didn’t show up as I "should" have

Context – I was with a colleague and she was taking a photo of a bartender.

Unintentional Model #1
C colleague said to me “get out of the photo”
T That’s rude
F annoyed
A walk away, stew, be annoyed, when she says “I just wanted a photo of him” I brush it off with an edge
R I’m rude in return

Unintentional Model #2
C colleague said to me “get out of the photo”
T I shouldn’t have reacted by getting annoyed
F embarrassed
A criticize myself
R I react even more negatively

Intentional Model
C colleague said “get out of the photo”
T I’m not perfect and sometimes I don’t respond graciously in the moment
F accepting
A forgive myself, be friendly to her, don’t be awkward
R I am gracious to myself?

Would love your thoughts on the above models. Also curious your thoughts on just getting to a good place with myself vs addressing this with her directly.
Thank you.