Dominant Feeling

In the daily thought work the first question is : What was your dominant feeling yesterday?
Does this mean the feeling that stood out MOST of the day or just the STRONGEST at any given time.
Ex: In the afternoon yesterday for a good few hours I was feeling anxious with thoughts swirling in my head to drink that night. I was feeling anxious. I really didn’t think I would and then boom just like that I was like, “I can do this tonight. I’m a beginner. I won’t beat myself up over this. ..I had a thousand excuses in 2 seconds as to why this was okay and then poured myself wine which led to a major eating binge!
MOST DOMINANT FEELING YESTERDAY? It might have only been for a couple of hours laying in bed watching TV before bed. But it was: ANGRY!!!!!! SELF-LOATHING. Should I be writing this emotion down when answering my daily question (not the download). Though there was plenty of these adjectives in my Thought Download.
fast forward……Cancelled 10 minute tutoring session!!!
Thanks….going to do my first Write it Down and Move on