Email received

Last night I got the email for the new enrollment for LCS.
For the last three weeks I have been working with massive action to put finances in order to be able to join.
I mentioned to my husband that I have gotten this and he had a response of “is this still the direction you are headed, if not we will change projects” (currently redoing my office). At this point I said “YES.” I did not say anything other at the time because my head began to swirl with thoughts like “has he lost faith that I can do this” and “is he wanting me to not do this.” Then, the self doubt came back up. I realized this morning that is just the conscious brain trying to protect me again, to stay in my current job.
I wanted to see can you give me some feedback on my models.

C- told husband about email from LCS for next enrollment, he made a comment
T- When the husband made the comment I heard many thoughts from my conscious brain throwing up obstacles trying to keep me safe.
F- doubt
A- starting read brochure taking passive actions thoughts -that maybe I am making a decision that is not correct at this time, telling myself maybe wait to next year just get more debt paid off first, having thoughts of indecision on doing the current thought work, Stop working on office just save money
R- Not enrolling in LCS and moving forward with my career change.

this morning after having a conversation with the husband about how I felt after this I have put together another model of how I want to think.
C- Email received about enrollment to LCS
T- Wow this email came quicker than I expected. My current goal time is right on track for enrollment. Have in my plan would be able to go to school in the fall.
F- Excited
A- Talking to husband about current finances and next step on how we are aligning money for enrollment. Purchasing more items for office to be set up for classes and future career. Continuing studies to immerse myself to learn more about my thoughts how they effect my Dailey actions for growth of my future self and who I want to be
R- Enrolling in LCS in November reaching my goal to be Certified Life Coach

Thank you for reviewing this for me.