
Sometimes I feel like I’m really sensitive to people’s mood and feelings, even people I don’t know but happen to be in my surroundings. Sometimes they can change my mood, feelings, and actions.

Ex: On holiday the people laying next to me on the beach got some phone calls about an accident their son had, mainly about insurance things, no one got hurt. I happened to overhear this.  They were not quiet.

And soon I felt I was really getting stressed, though I had nothing to do with it. I felt bodily sensations, feeling rushed. I was not annoyed about them calling/being loud but it seemed to be caused by the content (or tone?)

How does this fit in an unintentional model, cause I don’t know the unintentional thought causing this.  Was I triggered because it took me back to my stressful parents? Though I feel this couple was not really behaving stressful amidst of all of it.

I also have this sometimes when people get defensive with me, but I feel that’s another model.