Entrepreneur Lesson: Business Models

Hi Brooke!

In the newly released module “business models”, you talked about the different models to reach our goals. I really found this helpful as it put into perspective what I have been doing and what I want to be doing.

I’ve been focusing on selling $175-$300 mini-packages, telling myself that it is easier to fit around my kids that way….when I would rather sell a $2,000 package and work with less people.

We’ve spoken before, I specialize in helping tech adverse coaches get started with list building. (I’ve been thinking about this more specifically being, “I help tech adverse coaches get 40% of their page visitors to say YES to joining your mailing list) — I have great results making this happen.

I want to make $100,000 in 2018. Up to this point in 2017, I’ve made $6,000 total.

Is it too big of a leap for 2018?
Do I need to start with a more realistic goal like $2,000 a month?

I’m assuming it’s an okay goal in my models below, so please let me know if it’s not.

Here are the models I’m doing (on my handy model pad!!)

C: Produce $100,000 in 2018
T: I’ve never done close to this before
F: doubtful
A: don’t even try
R: don’t make $100,000

C: Produce $100,000 in 2018
T: I’ve never done this before but I believe it’s possible!
F: hopeful
A: create a plan and stick to it
R: know what I’m capable of

After listening to your $100k interviews, I think the feeling that will help me get there, is accomplished.

Here is my model for that feeling:
C: Product $100,000 in 2018
T: I have not certain how I’ll make this happen, but I’ll figure it out as I go
F: accomplished
A: create a plan and tweak it until I find what works
R: I know what I’m capable of

This has been fantastic to even just work through. I look forward to hearing your feedback 🙂