Fatigue, hunger, and urges

Hello! I have a question about urges and physical sensations like fatigue and hunger. I have noticed that my urges are manageable with my mind on most days, but it’s soooo much harder when I’m fatigued (I work as an OB and am often up all night) or legitimately hungry. I have a hard time dealing with both of those. I hate being tired, and I know my body wants sleep, but I also know that food works as a quick pick-me-up and it’s hard to think of an alternate thought in the moment that is motivating. Same with true hunger (in those cases, if a cold chicken breast or carrot sticks will solve it, should I just eat the chicken or carrots? Or is that giving into an urge?)

Here’s what it happening when I’m tired:
C: I’m tired
T:”I hate being tired; eating will make me feel better” or “I’m too tired- I’ll start over tomorrow”
F: deprived, more exhausted
A: I eat (or resist- I find it harder to feel the urge when I’m really tired)
R: Weight gain

Usually my thought during urges is “I’m retraining my brain” or “My brain is healing” and that works. But when I feel tired, I justify and think that “I need this food now and I’ll start over fresh tomorrow.” Similarly, when I’m legitimately hungry, I’ll justify with “You are truly hungry and this is on plan.” Unfortunately, I usually have to function all day sleep deprived after a night of call, and I do feel the food helps me focus and stay on task. It’s obviously not the answer though. I haven’t given in this week, but I do feel like a lot of it is resistance, since it feels unpleasant. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks!