Feeling Jealous

Hello, I realized that I sometimes feel jealous towards some of my girlfriends; mainly when they start getting the same “attention” that I’m getting in a group of friends for instance. It sometimes makes me feel like I’m no longer “unique”, as the attention I would get is mainly because of who I am (the way I interact, the joke I make, etc.) and when a close friend of mine starts seeing the same group of people and getting the same kind of attention, I feel like I’m sided out.

My model looks like this:

Unintentional model:
C – Group of friends interactions with me and my close girl friends
T – I think they started liking her / them as much or even more than me (because they go more towards them than me now)
F – jealous, sided out
A – try to model on it and hide it, and sometimes even take distance from the situation
R – I can’t overcome the feeling, although sometimes the “distance” can give me some perspective

Intentional model:
C – Group of friends interactions with me and my close girl friends
T – I am who I am, and if I focus on being who I am I will attract the right people for me / I think also of the people who are closer to me than them
F – I feel comforted
A – may still avoid the situation and focus on people I feel closer to
R – distance

I struggle to find “believable ” thoughts for me to get to even a “neutral” feeling… thinking that I’m as worthy as my friends doesn’t help me either, as I feel like they’re better than I am or succeed better in life…Can you give me feedback on this matter?  Thank you 🙂